Whitehill Mansion – Paranormal and Spirits Part 2
The Whitehill Mansion is a local haunted historic jaunt for us – one we have visited, toured and investigated for paranormal activity many times. It’s beauty and history, as well as the Spirits contained within, are a draw I can’t resist. The original home on this property dates back to the early 1700’s and is still standing – although additions have been added throughout the years. A large portion of this land is along the Delaware River and the home was constructed along its banks. Over the last 200 years, the Mansion has been a homestead to various families including senators, rumrunners and even prostitutes. In addition, the Mansion housed an upscale restaurant and a prohibition hot spot – complete with illegal gambling, purported mob activity and a brothel.

After 20 years of sitting vacant and falling into a state of sorrowful disrepair, there was ample talk of demolishing the structure and possibly selling off the remaining land. As a result, “The Friends of Whitehill Mansion” was created – a non-profit whose sole purpose is to keep the Mansion open and restore it for future generations. The “Friends of Whitehill Mansion” website can be found here: https://www.whitehillmansion.org/
My initial blogpost – “Whitehill Mansion Haunted History Tour” – details this historic property’s amazing haunted history – I recommend checking it out. The post can be found here: https://wp.me/paqIPF-85
I have had so many paranormal and spiritual interactions at the Mansion and all have left an impressive impact. Each time I return – there is something new to learn and experience.
Recently my teammates and I had the opportunity to do another paranormal investigation here – spending 6 hours alone in the dark Mansion! We tried out some new paranormal investigating techniques – as well as the tried-and-true methods – and I went into the “forbidden” room (see prior blogpost for more details on why its forbidden to me). Let me know in the comments if you have ideas for new paranormal investigation techniques to try – we are always looking for new experiments!
The team I volunteer with is Paranormal Consulting and Investigations of NJ. We work with clients who are experiencing paranormal in their homes or businesses. Our website can be found here: https://pcinj.org/
The Mansion has three stories and a very haunted basement. We have experienced activity on every floor – in almost every room. Today I will detail the experiences and Spirits I’ve encountered on the second and third floors.
For the very active 1st Floor and Basement’s experiences – see “Haunted Historic Whitehill Mansion – Paranormal and Spirits” blogpost found here: https://wp.me/paqIPF-ig
3rd Floor:
The 3rd floor of the Mansion feels like a mix of time periods and energy – of bygone era’s long forgotten. At the top of the steps, to the right, are the old brothel rooms. The energy here – at times – can feel rather playful. There is an old water cistern in the back room and several investigators have seen a body in this cistern. I’ve seen it myself but have not made contact with an active Spirit here. This energy is residual – a replay of an impactful, energetic event from the past. What that event was is lost to history.

The scariest, most powerful and intense energy in the Mansion is the 3rd floor room – to the left. The very first time I toured the Mansion I couldn’t enter this room, got very overwhelmed and had to leave in a hurry. Each investigation since has been the same. Prior to this last investigation, I’ve never crossed the threshold of this room. In addition to the intense physical reaction to the energy, we’ve had an investigator that felt as if he was slapped in this room!! Several of us actually heard a “slap” sound as it happened and the side of his face was red and painful – lending validation to this claim. I’ve seen a dark shadow come from the corner of this room and begin filling it up with a darkness (I witnessed this from the hallway of course). I have always been filled with an intense dread and fear when encountering this room.

This last investigation I was determined to push my boundaries a bit and personally witness (and hopefully understand) the energy in this room. What or who is it? We started out sitting in a dark closet that runs the length of this end of the 3rd floor (including this room). Instead of a dark shadow, myself and another investigator witnessed green colored lights in the darkness – almost as if someone set up crafty little fairy lights. These lights would come and go. As we sat alone in this dark closet, we both heard whispering and conversations happening from outside the door. Although we heard these disembodied voices – the audio recorder did not pick them up.
Finally, I entered the 3rd floor room that has intimidated me so many times. Instantly I saw this dark shadow – scurrying from the corner, up the wall and onto the ceiling. Taking a deep breath, I sat down and we began our communication using a new technique – group mediation and communication with a metronome. Unfortunately, as soon as I started the metronome all recorders in the room shut down. We have no audio of the time spent connecting with the Spiritual energy.
Here’s what I do know – the energy is Native American and it was never human. Despite the incredible intimidating energy – it is not negative. The energy has been a part of the land forever and the Native American’s knew of its existence and respected it. The energy was drawn to this Mansion because of the ever changing history and the energy that it brings. With the Mansion’s position at the bend in the river, the natural energy is already immense. Adding the history of this home has it supercharged. This Native American energy seems to be strongest in this room – I can’t say why – but I would caution any future investigators to approach their investigation with honor and respect at all times. Offerings of tobacco is suggested as well.
2nd Floor:
The 2nd floor of the Mansion has always been an adventure of activity and energy. We saved this floor for the end of our investigation. We were alone in the Mansion and all gathered together on the 2nd floor – and the Mansion came alive. We heard footsteps upstairs on the 3rd floor, voices, talking, singing, crying. There was the sound of large pieces of furniture being moved (no actual evidence could be found of anything moving) and several investigators were touched. Thinking there had to be someone else in the Mansion – several of us spread out to check the 1st and 3rd floors but no other living person was found. Needless to say, this caused quite the reaction from all of us paranormal investigators – fear, excitement, anxiety, wariness. Our combined energies helped to keep things amped up throughout the rest of the night.

The Bathroom:
There is a large bathroom on the 2nd floor complete with an impressive, and now notorious, claw footed bathtub. Through many years of paranormal investigations at the Mansion, they were able to determine that this bathroom is a hot spot for activity and that people often feel overcome with emotion. Equipment often goes off in the bathtub itself and men especially are known to become very uncomfortable in the tub – some as if they can’t breathe or are being choked. Different mediums and investigators have come up with two possible scenarios with this bathroom – backed up by numerous experiences and multiple pieces of evidence including EVP’s and spirit box interactions. The first is that a woman committed suicide in the bathtub – possibly one of the prostitutes that used to work in the brothel on the 3rd floor – and she still inhabits the room, looking for help. The second is that a man died or was strangled in the bathtub and that is why men specifically feel very uncomfortable and choked.

What I knew from my very first visit is that the haunting in the bathroom and the spiritual interactions are definitely from a woman spirit – I could feel her all around us. I also knew that although I could “see” a woman in the tub with her wrists cut, she didn’t actually die this way and the story repeatedly being told of her suicide was angering her.
During the last investigation, I was actually brave enough to sit in this bathtub myself. This woman spirit channeled through me and gave me the entire story which caused me to not only scare the day lights out of my teammates and husband but also made me rethink my own intelligence for getting into these situations. This most recent investigation, we collectively decided to try something a little different.
We had one of the male investigators (my husband, poor guy – I am always offering him up) sit in the tub. We blindfolded him and put on a pair of noise cancelling headphones, hooking these headphones up to the ghost box. The ghost box sweeps through radio channels and essentially plays nonstop white noise. The theory is that Spirit can use this white noise to speak and communicate. While we had our volunteer blind and deaf in the tub – we asked questions of Spirit. Our investigator in the tub – who could not hear or see us – called out anything he heard during this time period. Our first volunteer actually didn’t last long in the tub – he became emotionally and physically overwhelmed and needed to get out (very unusual for him).
We of course did not give up and placed another male investigator in the tub with the blindfold, headphones and ghost box. As soon as this session started, the rest of the mansion came alive again – noises and voices could be heard from all over. We asked many questions, for almost 30 minutes, and received many intelligent responses that made sense to our questions. Below is the summary of the answers to these questions.
The Spirit is a female and she was murdered in the mansion. She was in fact a prostitute. She had a regular client and developed a deep and meaningful relationship with this man. She became pregnant. This enraged and panicked the man – he was likely very well connected and married. He dealt with the situation through violence and murder – partly which involved strangulation. To cover up his horrendous actions, this woman was placed in the tub and the suicide was staged.
This young woman has remained within the walls of the Whitehill Mansion – along with many other Spirits – for a long time. She frequents the site of her staged suicide, becoming upset, enraged and threatened at times. She is desperate for her story to be told. Often, when someone sits within the tub, she is triggered by her untimely and violent death – reacting in a way that impacts the living. Especially men that sit within the tub and do not believe the history.
So many paranormal experiences have been had at the haunted, historic Whitehill Mansion. It is an honor to have this history available to us all to learn and experience the paranormal. I am always grateful for the volunteer work the Friends of Whitehill Mansion does and all of the ongoing restoration work being completed. So many Spirits. So much history. Are you ready? Take a tour – join an investigation. All the funds go towards keeping this history alive. And please, let me know what you find!